CPD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD's CPD 4.2.2.


File Line
net/jetrix/protocols/ConsoleProtocol.java 113
net/jetrix/protocols/IRCProtocol.java 369

    public Map<String,String> getStyles()
        return styles;

    public String applyStyle(String text)
        // todo to be optimized later
        Map<String,String> styles = getStyles();
        if (styles == null) return text;

        for (String key : styles.keySet())
            String value = styles.get(key);
            if (value == null) { value = ""; }
            text = text.replaceAll("<" + key + ">", value);
            text = text.replaceAll("</" + key + ">", value);
        return text;

    public char getEOL()
        return '\n';
